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What is underemployment and why does it matter?
Underemployment is the hidden figure in the employment data that could hold the key to helping solve some of Australia’s worker shortage issues. Read on to find out more.
International Recruitment: Helping Get “Hard to Fill” Roles Fulfilled
Our International Recruitment Manager based in Perth, Rob Ettrick, introduces himself and shares his views on what makes international recruitment different.
Your Passport to International Employment: A Strong Resume
A resume is more than just a document containing credentials, experience and education, it should be viewed as an opportunity to leave a good first impression. In this blog, we explain what to think about when writing an effective resume and what recruiters are really looking for.
An insight to recruiting internationally from a recruiter’s perspective
Recruiting people is more than just filling a vacancy. Our Recruitment Coodinator, Kyle Lennon, shares his insights into the recruitment process.
The Covid Visa is Over… Now What?
Effective midnight on 2 September 2023, the Pandemic (Covid) visa was closed to new applicants. With businesses still in the grip of Australia’s worst worker shortage, what options does this leave for employers? We discuss the ramifications of this visa change and what is happening in international recruitment in Australia right now.
Cultural diversity, inclusion and belonging in the workplace
Cultural diversity is a well known phrase and you can find more than an abundance of information on the topic. My personal experience though is that the critical takeaway to understanding how be successful with having a diverse workplace is really simple: it’s your actions to support a positive diverse environment rather than ensuring you’re…
Why Hire International Workers?
A question I’m asked nearly every day is: “why would I get someone from overseas when I can get someone here?”. I usually reply a little cheekily with “if you could, you wouldn’t be talking to an international recruitment consultant right now!”, but the reality is that the answer is a bit more complex than…
Where are the Workers?
Managing Director Paul Dizon gives us his view on the current skills crisis affecting Australia and how sourcing workers form overseas could help businesses in the long run.